Kamis, 12 November 2009

Avoid Boring Guitar Lessons

Many people that started to learn how to play the guitar left it after short period of time. One of the most common reasons was not that they did not make any progress but they simply did not enjoy it.

It is well known that when people are not enjoying what they are doing they will find ways to avoid it. This is also the case in guitar learning so the best way to continue the learning is simply to enjoy it and not treat this as another day job. Learning how to play the guitar should be fun and not something dull.

Since practice is a very important part of learning to play the guitar, it is critical to treat the practice time as fun time and not something which is a dull necessity. Putting this thought into our minds will help us while repeating the same exercise again and again. We must know that doing this that way will make us better players and enable us to progress to play as many songs as we want. It is like athletes, that practice over and over again and doing that because they like what they are doing so much and the end result is driving them to success.

Since good practice is an hour per day, practicing should be considered as a punishment or a chore that any player must do in order to get better. Practice should be treated as fun, "WOW, I' going to play the guitar for an hour, let's enjoy this". This is the thought that the student must have and while doing that, the actual practice will be exciting.

But it is not only about the state of mind. A good guitar course or a teacher can also help a lot in addressing the mindset of the student. Good guitar course will encourage the player, provide interesting and varying exercises, shift between chords, notes, ear training and other guitar learning material. In one hour of training many aspects of playing can be covered so when the student finish the practice, he knows one more song, few more chords, his finger moves are much faster and these are only few examples of achievements that the student can have.

It is also important to set the goals for each such practice session since setting the right expectations and more important, meeting them at the end of the session will give a feeling of accomplishment to the student and encourage him to do the next practice.

It is crucial to give the student actual achievements all the time. Make the student play first song even after the first lesson. Teach the student one more song each time you meet. Make sure that the song you are teaching is something that the student likes (known song, right type of music). Teaching songs that the student doesn't like simply because it is part of the course materials will not help. Make sure it is an easy one so the student will not feel frustrated after the first lesson. That way the student will feel the actual and immediate results of his training and he will be encouraged from the fact that real progress can be achieved all the time.

One of the things that frustrate many guitar players (especially the younger ones) is the need to learn how to read music and tabs. There are many other ways and alternatives now such as playing form listening, quick reading and sight reading. Try to find the best way for you. If you can actually relate to learning music or have the proper background then this is probably the best way for you but it must not be the only possible way.

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