Kamis, 12 November 2009

The Songwriting Secret

Songwriting is a simple process once you know how to do it. Most songs follows some basic songwriting rules. But the most important thing for me is -- to be playful and enjoy what I'm doing. Does it feel good? And if it breaks a so-called rule. So be it.

What is great songwriting? What is a great song? If you take note of the art world, many of the artists we now call great were not even appreciated in their time. Some were even starving, but continued to paint. It was for themselves that they painted, not following any rule or standards set by someone else.

I like to take that approach in my writing. I attempt to always be genuine and honest in my songs and not write what I think will sell. I like to think that if you write honestly from your heart, there are those who will want to hear it.

Anyone can learn how to write songs

Anyone can learn how to write songs, if they sincerely want to. It is a skill that you develop and like anything else, you get better the more you do it. Just start and allow it to develop. Don't demand to be good from the outset.

Everything comes easiest when you are inspired. I try to never force myself to do anything, but if it needs to be done -- as in a deadline -- then I go about seeing how I can inspire myself to feel like doing it.

Getting Started

There is no set formula for writing. Everyone who's a successful writer has their own system that works for them. It is not necessarily the right system for you. You will see similarities between people's systems. Find something that appeals to you and work it, with time you will add you own little quirks and eventually end up with your own little system.

I don't even use the same system on every song! What I do is just play! One day it may be lyrics I'm playing with, another day it may be chords, another day a little riff. More often than not for me -- it's lyrics. But the best thing is just start fooling around and don't judge what you're doing. If you play around long enough, you almost always come up with something. It may just be the beginning of a song or it may an entire song. It varies, song to song.

In the beginning, you may find that you don't come up with anything in your sessions. That's all part of getting started. Just play and have fun and don't be attached to the outcome.

If you play guitar for instance, try a new tuning you've never tried before. I did that and came up with a song in the morning. I was so inspired I played all night. Didn't really write anything down. Just played and played and it all just came together by morning. Didn't hurt that I was also trying out a brand new, beautiful guitar, which I did buy!

Getting inspired by other writers is also a great thing. You can go to concerts of your hero writer or join a local club, or go to an open stage. I found that very talented people inspired me and even when I heard someone not so developed -- funny they all made me want to run home and write.

So, if there is one secret to songwriting, above all others -- I say it's "be playful" and don't take it so seriously. After all, does the world really need another song. Write for yourself and have fun. The rest will come with time.

Gail Karen (G.K.) Eckert is a vocalist, musician, songwriter and teacher. She founded Musikhaus Studio of Creativity in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada in 1987 and continues to guide students through the crucial steps of learning songwriting. She believes that anyone can learn to write, given the proper guidance and encouragement. She also believes that writing your music your way is not only a fun past time but is also crucial to self expression and well being.

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