Kamis, 12 November 2009

Tips to Inspire Your Song

Every song has a story behind it. You may have had something so fantastic or something so tragic οr depressing happen in your life at some point, if so, try to remember one οf those occasions and relive the experience and emotions that you went through. This will hopefully trigger some poignant lyrics from you. It doesn't have to be a whole song or even whole verse or chorus, just note down the lines as they come to you. You can rearrange them later, and at that point you can say well I have a great line there... for example

"I can't go on without you, it hurts so much"

Now what could precede that, what led up to this feeling? How did something so good go so wrong, did you or they make a mistake? You get the idea, just start writing and it will begin to flow. Take some time to reflect on your own experiences and you may come up with something decent.

If you can't seem to be able to draw on your own experiences, see what the popular trend is with current songs that appeal to you. Listen to other eras and genres to see what has been a recurring theme throughout the years. Do this often and hearing other songs may spark some ideas and get a good melody or lyric springing to mind.

Try writing something every day, just a few lines each and every day, this will very quickly build up and give you lots of material to think about and rearrange. Don't throw any of it away! What you don't use this time may fit perfectly into your next masterpiece! It doesn't have to be perfect first time, you can keep going back and editing it regularly. You might find that you need or want to change the lyrics to fit in with the music (or vice versa). Whatever happens, don't give up - the more you practice writing songs the better you will become.

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