Kamis, 12 November 2009

Play Guitar Fast With Chords and Scales

So you decided to learn guitar and you want to do it as fast as possible. Well, you won't be able to learn as fast as you think, but you can avoid mistakes that other people make and this will help you learn faster. There are two basic things that you need to know. These things are called chords and scales. Whatever type of music you like or want to learn to play on the guitar you will need to have some knowledge about these two things in order to be able to learn that particular style of music.

Before you start learning chords or scales you should have a few types of warm up exercises prepared. After you have some warm up exercises you can think about how much per day you want to study. Let's say you want to learn two hours per day. In one hour you should learn the basic chords and in another the basic scales. The basic chords would be the ones in the key of C and the first scale you should learn is the pentatonic scale.

After a while you will know all the basic minor and major chords and you will probably want to learn a few new chords. A new type would be seventh and ninth chords and so on. If you are also familiar with pentatonic scales you can move on to major scales. Later on you will know better what you want to learn and you will be able to structure your study plan even better.

An important trick you should know when learning scales or any other types of exercises is to use a metronome. This is the fastest way in which you can improve your technique. Let me emphasize that: if you want to improve your speed, the fastest way to do it is to practice with a metronome! You set it to a speed at which you can't play the exercise well enough, and after you are able to play it properly you just adjust the tempo and start all over again.

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